Homepage > PHOTOSHOP > GraphicRiver - Hoodie / Pullover Bundle Mock up 10997915
GraphicRiver - Hoodie / Pullover Bundle Mock up 1099791522-11-2018, 04:47. Posted by: admin |
GraphicRiver - Hoodie / Pullover Bundle Mock up 10997915 Layered Photoshop PSD | CS3+ | 2500x1500 px | Print Dimensions: 8.3x5 | 271 MB https://graphicriver.net/item/hoodie-pullover-bundle-mock-up/10997915 Man Hoodie Mock up 1 psd files 2500×1500 px 300 dpi; Choose between 3 views; Displacement map for each view; 5 FX controllers; 8 backgrounds; Removable shadow; Easy to use; Edit via smart; Colorable files; Best organized layers; Illustrated guide include; Graphics on Man Hoodie Mockup are only samples for preview Women Hoodie Mock up 1 psd files 2500×1500 px 300 dpi; Choose between 3 views; Displacement map for each view; 5 FX controllers; 8 backgrounds; Removable shadow; Easy to use; Edit via smart; Colorable files; Best organized layers; Illustrated guide include; Graphics on Women Hoodie Mockup are only samples for preview Man Longsleeve Shirt Mock-up 1 psd files 2500×1500 px 300 dpi; Choose between 3 views; Displacement map for each view; 6 FX controllers; 12 backgrounds; Removable shadow; Easy to use; Edit via smart; Colorable files; Best organized layers; Illustrated guide include; Graphics on Men Long sleeve Mockup are only samples for preview Notice: All images & fonts are not include. Woman Longsleeve Shirt Mock-up 1 psd files 2500×1500 px 300 dpi; Choose between 3 views; Displacement map for each view; 6 FX controllers; 12 backgrounds; Removable shadow; Easy to use; Edit via smart; Colorable files; Best organized layers; Illustrated guide include; Graphics on Women Long sleeve Mockup are only samples for preview Notice: All images & fonts are not include in the Mock-up. Download
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